Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Back on the health wagon

Today’s Workout
  • Run:       6 miles                 58:12     9:42mm
After a weekend of over indulgence, I am officially back on the health wagon. 

I got up earlier than a sparrows fart this morning (4am) in order to fit in today’s run before work.  I headed out on my normal three mile loop and tagged a another (exceedingly boring) three mile loop on the end.  The run was relatively uneventful but I had the most awful stitch around mile 4 which caused me to slow to 11:30mm until it passed.  It was so sore and it felt like I couldn’t breathe in properly so ended up running like the hunchback of Notre dame until it resolved. 

When I got home I dutifully completed my stretches and sat down with the obligatory cup of very strong black coffee while I iced my shins, calves and knees and donned compression socks.  
Bringing sexy back... with post-run, pre-work compression and ice!  

I lost track of time this morning and ended up running around like a mad person trying to get ready for work, leaving a trail of destruction all around the house in my wake. 

I finally made it to work with about 30 seconds to spare only to be told that my shifts had been changed and I am now on a late... GUTTED.   I could have stayed in bed.  Still, at least my workout for the day is done before it gets too hot. 

This also means I will have to miss badminton club this evening, I’m sure no one will mind as last night I played so badly you could have cut my hands off and I wouldn’t have been any worse.  

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