Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Back on the health wagon

Today’s Workout
  • Run:       6 miles                 58:12     9:42mm
After a weekend of over indulgence, I am officially back on the health wagon. 

I got up earlier than a sparrows fart this morning (4am) in order to fit in today’s run before work.  I headed out on my normal three mile loop and tagged a another (exceedingly boring) three mile loop on the end.  The run was relatively uneventful but I had the most awful stitch around mile 4 which caused me to slow to 11:30mm until it passed.  It was so sore and it felt like I couldn’t breathe in properly so ended up running like the hunchback of Notre dame until it resolved. 

When I got home I dutifully completed my stretches and sat down with the obligatory cup of very strong black coffee while I iced my shins, calves and knees and donned compression socks.  
Bringing sexy back... with post-run, pre-work compression and ice!  

I lost track of time this morning and ended up running around like a mad person trying to get ready for work, leaving a trail of destruction all around the house in my wake. 

I finally made it to work with about 30 seconds to spare only to be told that my shifts had been changed and I am now on a late... GUTTED.   I could have stayed in bed.  Still, at least my workout for the day is done before it gets too hot. 

This also means I will have to miss badminton club this evening, I’m sure no one will mind as last night I played so badly you could have cut my hands off and I wouldn’t have been any worse.  

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Fun & Frolics in Frome

I had a great weekend and thoroughly made the most of the sunshine (well, it would have been rude not to as goodness only knows when it will show its face again).  There was a distinct lack of running (or any exercise for that matter) and I stuffed my face on BBQ food like it was going out of fashion.  

Saturday morning started off with a very, very sweaty trip to the gym

Check out 'The Vein' on my forehead.  Testament to how hard I worked!

Had to put this one in as I love the saying above the reception... So true my friends

We pottered around for the rest of the morning, and actually got to enjoy sometime in our garden.  And yes... after much debate about inner thigh jiggles, cellulite and cankles I eventually opted to wear shorts - very risque.    

This pic makes our postage-stamp garden look much more impressive than it really is!

In the afternoon, we headed to Frome to celebrate our friend Rowan's birthday with a BBQ in the sun.

Her house was amazing... my 'what I would like to aspire to one day' house

The party was excellent and involved lots of beer drinking... obviously with some exercise involved in peeling oneself off the sun-lounger and shuffling to the fridge for a top-up.  We met a bunch of cool people and ate far too much delicious food.  

Hung out with friends, old and new

Arran demonstrating the precision art of the beer to mouth bicep curl... check out his form, it's very important not to over exert!!

The ritualistic dance to thank the sun gods for the brilliant weather was performed by the birthday girl :)

Arran exerted his manly prowess by taking over the grilling on the BBQ

It was at this point following a concoction of beer, sun and excess quantities of food, I decided that in order to keep up with all these young things, as an old lady I needed a power nap and lots of coffee.  Thats right, I'm not even embarrassed to admit (although maybe I should be) that in the middle of a party I snuck off for a 30 minute power nap then proceeded to drink an entire cafetiere of strong filter coffee.  (I don't actually think anyone missed me).  I had my second wind and was raring to go! 

It was decided that we would hit up the Frome night life and we headed to the one and only club at about 11pm.  Well, I don't really know what say about this place...

Scout hut or club... you decide
(By the way, I'm not actually wearing glowing devil horns, it's the lights... honest)

This 'club' was like a scout hut that your parents rented out for your 18th birthday party crossed with someones loft conversion... and it stunk.  What made it even worse was that we actually paid for the privilege of cramming into this smelly, sweaty and inexplicably sticky place along with what felt like the entire population of Frome.  It was... an experience!!! 

We hit the road on Sunday morning after loading up on hangover juice (otherwise known as Lucozade) and headed for another BBQ with Arran's family.  Unfortunately, I don't have any pics as I forgot the camera... I think the mixture of hangover and sun have finally melted the majority of my brain cells.  We had a lovely afternoon eating and lounging in the sun.

Back to reality - work and training tomorrow.  Why do weekends always go far too quickly?    

Friday, 25 May 2012

Runners Trots and Burnt Toast!

Today’s Workout
  • Run – 3.9 miles                 40:07     Avg Pace: 10.15mm
  • Swimming Lesson

 I had an absolutely terrible run this morning.  It was one of those runs where you just wish you’d just stayed in bed and then begin to question why you ever took up running in the first place. 

It was supposed to be a 4 mile tempo run with the middle two miles at 7.45-8mm pwah!!  As soon as I started out I knew things were not going to go smoothly.  My legs felt really heavy after yesterdays run and I just could not get my cadence up to my normal level.  This was reflected in my first mile which took 11minutes.  I didn’t beat myself up about it as it was just a warm up mile.  I then tried to pick up the pace but feeling like I was wearing shoes made of concrete and attempting to pick up the pace at the bottom of a 0.5 mile long hill probably wasn’t the best idea.   Despite my best efforts, I only managed to increase my speed to 10mm and was completely done in by the time I reached the top of the hill.  It was at this point I decided to scrap the idea of a tempo run and decided to just use it as a recovery run. 

Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, it all started to go even more badly wrong!!  I started to feel decidedly dodgy, my stomach was churning and I felt dreadful, and it just got progressively worse.  At one point I wasn’t sure if I was going to poop my pants whilst running like this poor bloke:
Courtesy of Skinny Runner
Or throw up on myself...

Thankfully neither scenario played out, I just continued to plod along feeling like I wanted to die.  With every step I swore I would never run again... I mean what is the point of running unless you are running for your life or running to catch a bus/train/plane. 

I eventually got home and discovered that somehow I had managed to maintain 10.15mm and even ran the last mile slightly quicker.  According to my garmin my heart rate was actually relatively low compared to the effort I felt I was expending (no idea how that happened).   

After locking myself in the bathroom for 20 minutes I felt decidedly better and opted for toast for breakfast as this often helps settle my stomach.  I don’t eat bread very often but I love Burgen’s soya and linseed bread.  They didn’t have any full sized loaves when I went shopping so I had to buy the half-size loaf.
So diddy!! 

I then proceeded to thoroughly burn my toast to a crisp and fill my kitchen with smoke in the process.  I hope this isn’t going to be a precedent for the whole day. 

After my awful run, I have decided to postpone my weight training session until tomorrow as I don’t think my legs are up to it.  Meeting my mum later for tea and cake... a sure fire way to make me feel better.   

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Domestic Goddess - swims, cycles & run!

I got up nice and early this morning and headed out for a short, easy cycle just before 6am.  It was wonderfully quiet on the roads, so much so I even dared to brave riding around the roundabouts... check me out!!  I am still averaging only 12.5mph but am still hopeful this will improve with practice. 

Once home, I jumped in the shower then headed for the pool.  I am so pleased as I managed 66 lengths – 4 x 250m, 1 x 350m, and 1 x 300m with 1-2 minutes rest between each set.  I actually felt reasonably comfortable and didn’t feel like I was about to cough up a lung... that is progress right there!!  Towards the end of the session my form started to suffer as I got tired and I got cramp in my hand from the effort of pulling myself through the water.  I may not be fast but at least I didn’t drown.  I find the progress I have made in the last couple of months is quite incredible considering I couldn’t even swim for 1 length at the start. 

I was starving by the time I finished my swim so after a quick stop at the supermarket, I headed home for a big bowl of porridge to refuel before I headed out for a run. 

I have had to shuffle my training sessions slightly to accommodate a party on Saturday night followed by the inevitable hangover on Sunday!  Therefore I decided to do my longer run today.  I headed out about 11:30 and was very glad that the weather was still quite overcast, although it was very muggy.  I ran 7 easy miles and actually managed to keep a relatively even pace... sort of.  I averaged 10:05mm which was right on target (10-10:30mm).  Mile 4 was slower as it was predominantly uphill, and mile 7 was faster and predominately downhill.  The run felt good, I wasn’t out of breath and definitely could have kept going longer at the end.  I was soooo hot by the end, I had sweated at least half of body weight out... so much so that even my shorts were saturated.  Unfortunately, this caused me to look like I had wet myself... not attractive and slightly embarrassing – it looked like I’d pulled a Paula Radcliffe!  This is why I normally only wear black... covers a multitude of sins! 
When nature calls...

I am still planning on doing my tempo run tomorrow morning and so want to be fully recovered so when I -got home I dutifully stretched and iced and later hopped on the foam roller.

The rest of the day was spent being domestic goddess extraordinaire... the kind of wifey my husband can normally only dream of!!  Every inch of my house has been scrubbed, wiped and mopped and tidied.  As a result of my hard work I am fairly sure my lungs are going to stop working shortly after inhaling all the furniture polish, cleaning products and room spray I have bandied about the place all day and my skin will probably fall off as I am pretty much covered in bleach from head to toe – I always knew housework was bad for you!! 

To reward myself for all my hard work today, we headed to the pub for dinner.  I chose a very sensible (but delicious) salmon nicoise salad then washed it down with some icy cold beers in the beer garden – this is what summer days are made for!  

mmmmm... beer

Tasty salad

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Early morning runs + Olympic torch

I am currently on nights and often find it really hard to find the time to train between working and sleeping.  However, during last night’s shift, my manager agreed that I didn’t have stay in the building on my break (as long as I was contactable by phone) and so at 4am I headed out for a 5 mile run on my break.  It was lucky that I had actually worn my running stuff to work as I was planning to head out as soon as I got home and knew that if I ventured too far into the house before running then bed would beckon and most likely win out! 

Obviously as this was an unplanned run I didn’t have my Garmin with me and so can’t be sure of the actual distance until I can be bothered to check on Map My Run, but I just decided to run for 25 minutes, turn around and head back for 25 minutes.  It was a very slow, easy run as my calves are suffering following the dreaded hills of the Crewkerne 10K on Sunday.  It actually feels as though someone has shoved a collection of rocks and pebbles under my skin.  As a result, my running style left much to be desired until I finally eased into the run. 

It turned out to be a lovely run.  Although not the first time I have trained at this time in the morning (and is certain not to be the last), I love running this early.  If and when I actually manage to get myself out of the door I almost always have a good run.  The morning air is crisp and the streets are deserted.  The cars are few and far between and the wildlife is out in abundance.  It is great to head out in the dark and watch the sun come up as you run, it really is great for the soul.      

I know it is not for everyone (especially as you generally have to be able to run on an empty stomach), but I highly recommend trying an early morning run, it leaves you feeling more awake, invigorated and really sets you up for the day... not to mention feeling very virtuous for actually getting up and exercising when everyone else is still in dreamland!!

As a result of getting my training done and dusted, it meant I wasn’t in a rush to get home after work and decided to go out and watch the Olympic torch relay which was passing my place of work just after my shift ended (convenient).  I was glad to see it was busy and that so many people cared enough to get out of their beds to come down and watch it pass. 

After securing my spot and checking I had actually charged the battery on the camera, I didn’t have to wait long before the Olympic busses started to pass.  There was a real carnival atmosphere (even at 7:30am) and I couldn’t wait to see the torch.  I thought it was a great moment when the torch carrier passed and despite my crappy photography skills, I managed to get a couple of snaps of the flame.  

I love the Olympics and have watched it ever since I can remember and it was great to feel part of the event.  I am super excited about having the Olympics here in the UK, it’s just a shame that I couldn’t get tickets.   

After all that excitement, I headed home to bed!  

Sunday, 20 May 2012

How not to run a 10K

Crewkerne 10K Race Report – PW

I set out for my 10K this morning with high hopes of a PB... aiming for sub 52 minutes (and secretly dreaming of a sub 50).  I had my usual breakfast of porridge with honey and pumpkin seeds and in an effort to channel the famous Tarahumara running people, I also sprinkled Chia seeds on top.

For those of you who have not heard of the Tarahumara, they are a reclusive native American tribe who live in the canyons of northwest Mexico and are renowned for their long-distance running abilities and are the focus of the book Born to Run byChris McDougall.  I highly recommend this book and still re-read it regularly when my motivation is beginning to wane! 

We headed over to Crewkerne early in order to park and pick up my race number in plenty of time before the start (and of course ensure at least 5 toilet visits before the run). 
At race registration! 

As we lined up at the start I got talking to a couple of other runners and discovered that just around the first corner was a 500m climb.  It turns out that my first mistake was not checking out the course profile beforehand.  The course was extremely hilly with only about half a mile of flat road the rest consisted of steep and winding (and never-ending) uphills with some fast downhill sections. 

So, after the gun went off I powered up the first monster of a hill and could have done with an oxygen mask at the top but undeterred I continued passing people up the next hill.  By the time I got to the top I was starting to get concerned, I was purple, very out of breath, my legs were complaining and I was only 1 mile into the race. 

And so my second mistake becomes obvious... lack of sensible pacing.  I managed to hold on for the next mile and a half and then the wheels really fell off.  I went through the 5K mark at 26.03 minutes and then just got slower and slower and all those people I had overtaken started to overtake me... it was somewhat depressing but there was absolutely nothing I could do about it but watch them zoom past me.
In the final two miles it became obvious that the Tarahumara gods had abandoned me and no amount of chia seeds was going to rectify this situation.  
Then I met my saviour in the form of a local club runner (Unfortunately I didn’t get his name).  We chatted and he paced me up all the hills and got me to the end in one piece (I am fairly sure that left to my own devices I would have crossed the line on my hands and knees).  Not only that but the poor chap had to put up with me breathing and puffing like a steam train into his ear... what a champ!     

The finish line was up yet another hill back into the centre of Crewkerne... I think the organisers must have sadistic tendencies to devise this course ha!!  I eventually (and painfully) crossed the line in 55.32 – a personal worst!! 
Down the finishing stretch

So, lesson learnt.  If I had researched the course beforehand I would have paced myself – taking it really easy on the inclines in order to maintain a reasonable pace and I would have probably managed a more respectable time.  Despite this I had a great time and really enjoyed the race.  It was really well organised and I would definitely do it again next year. 
Me with my finishers pack

I’m back on nights again so I have had to balance this coming weeks training around my need to sleep!!   
  • Rest Day

  • Easy Run – 5 miles

  • Strength Training
  • Brick Session – Cycle - 30 minutes then Run – 30 minutes

  • Swimming
  • Cycling – 30 minutes spin session

  • Tempo Run – 4 miles
  • Swimming Lesson

  • Cycle – 1hr 30mins

  • Easy Run – 7 miles

Monday, 14 May 2012

Be Iron Fit

I finally downloaded Be Iron Fit by Don Fink onto my kindle.  A number of people have recommended this book to me and it seems to be regarded by many as a bible for triathletes.  Well, I was hooked as soon as I started reading it and spent every spare minute reading and digesting the information in the book and have decided that he is my new guru!!  Fink’s suggested training methods seem to make sense and I particularly like the fact he recommends training by time as opposed to mileage with a lot of work in your aerobic heart rate zone (I’m too lazy for speed work).  I found he provides a comprehensive, detailed plan covering all aspects of Ironman training. 

Although I am not planning to attempt an Ironman for a couple of years, reading his book made me realise that the training for my first two triathlons is not at all structured and is in fact pretty aimless!  Yes, I have been swimming and cycling (running is the exception) but it has just been as far and as fast as I have felt like on the day.

Although I am fairly confident that as long as I don’t drown in the swimming sections of the triathlons, that I will make it to the end, it probably won’t be pretty or enjoyable and I may very well be last.  As a result I have decided to adapt Fink’s programmes to my own ends to form a more productive structure for my training both in terms of completing the triathlons and as effective cross-training for my marathon training. 

After reading the plans carefully, I have opted to follow the swim sessions from the just finish programme - base training phase and the cycling sessions from the intermediate programme - base training phase combined with my scheduled runs from my marathon training programme.  I am also planning to try and stick to the suggested training heart rate zones to ensure I am not over-doing things. 

Okay, I realise that unless you have read Fink’s book you will have absolutely no idea what I am talking about, but here is what this week’s training plan looks like:   

  • Swimming
  • Strength training
  • Badminton

  • Run - 4 miles
  • Badminton

  • Brick session – 30 mins cycling then 30 mins run

  • Swimming 
  • Strength training
  • Cycling – 30 mins

  • Swimming Lesson
  • Run - 4 miles

  • Cycling – 1hr

  • 10K Race!  

Friday, 11 May 2012


I had my first personal training session at the gym on Tuesday and I survived (although I’m not sure I can say entirely in one piece)!

The day one programme was brutal and consisted of three circuits, two lower body and one upper/core.  Each circuit has to be completed 2-3 times and comprises 4 exercises to completed without a rest break.  The lower body circuits involved weights, plyometrics and what felt like a million squats and lunges of different varieties. 

The upper body/core section was purely body weight resistance (I naively thought this would be easier)... it turned out to be worse than the lower body sessions.  Seriously think I need to lose weight – I can barely even hold my own body off the floor, how pathetic is that.  I worked so hard during the session that there was an actual puddle (not just a smear, but a puddle) of sweat on the mat beneath me... gross eh!  To make matters worse, I seem to have turned into one of those purple-face, grunting, groaning gym-goers... how ladylike!!

When I woke up on Wednesday morning, I could not move my legs (and that is not just me being over dramatic).  Every inch of my quads were sore, I have never felt muscle pain like it.  I had thought my leg strength wasn’t too bad but obviously the previous day’s workout had properly kicked my butt!  By the time I made it downstairs (on my backside) I decided that some gentle exercise would help to loosen my quads up so I decided to hop on the turbo for 15 mins and gently spin my legs out.  Of course by ‘hop on’ the turbo what I really mean is painfully take about 5 minutes to lift my leg high enough to clamber aboard.  That was the least of my problems, after 5 minutes my legs actually felt worse so I decided to stop.  The problem was I was stuck, I just could not get off.  It took me nearly 15 minutes to get off the bike.  Looking back, I’m sure it must have looked hilarious, but I was not amused! 

The soreness continued the next day and even when I woke up this morning the muscle soreness was still ever-present (although at least I could walk somewhat normally).

I had my second personal training session this morning and had serious concerns about my ability to complete it with such sore legs, but I figured ‘no pain, no gain’ right? 

So, the day two programme once again consisted of three circuits of four exercises.  This time the first two circuits comprised alternating upper/lower body exercises using weights.  The final circuit targeted the core.  I made it through and feel great that I managed to complete it.  I really can’t wait to get going with this programme as it really feels like I am giving my whole body a good workout.  During the session, we also discussed how to change up each exercise to make it harder to prevent the workout going stale and to keep the body guessing.        

Goodness only know how my legs will feel tomorrow...!!  

Friday, 4 May 2012

Weekly Workout Roundup

This is long... in fact it may even break the record for longest ever ramble about nothing in particular.  The worst bit is, there isn’t even any pictures to break it up... so please bear with me (try and stay awake).

  • Badminton Club               2 hours

I didn’t get out for my run on Monday due to waiting in all day for the delivery man.  I am slightly embarrassed to admit we had McDonalds for dinner as we had absolutely no food in the house (but it was so naughtily good).  I headed out to badminton club after dinner and played so appallingly badly I looked like I was drunk, it was like none of my limbs were connected, they were all doing their own individual thing.  The only thing they had in common was keeping my racket as far from the shuttle as possible!  Having said that, I still had a great time.       

  • Swimming:         50 lengths          45 minutes
  • Weights                Legs, Back, biceps, triceps, abs
  • Easy Run              4.2 miles/09:03mm         00:37:59

I had a rubbish start to my Tuesday morning – first I dropped my phone on the kitchen floor and the screen smashes rendering it completely unusable.  Next, I accidently ran a red light on my way to the swimming pool...  I have no idea what I thought I was doing, I just have to hope that I didn’t get caught on camera and there isn’t a fine winging its way to me!  Finally, when I arrived at the pool I managed to reverse my car into the side of a police van full of policemen.  Yep... it could only happen to me!  Luckily for me I was going so slowly I didn’t cause any damage to my car or their van, but I received a proper telling off from the policeman.  This all happened in the space of about 20 minutes – now that’s what I call sod’s law in action! 

After having a little cry in my car (I still behave like a child when being admonished), I headed into the pool where I managed 50 lengths in just under 45 minutes.  Yep, you heard right, that’s 50 lengths.  I am so pleased with myself, this is way further than I have managed before.  I managed 2-6 lengths at a time before stopping for a rest.  It took me a while to find a rhythm but having decided to stick with unilateral breathing I found it less lung-bursting.  I was using each set of continuous lengths to concentrate on a different aspect of my stroke that my swimming teacher told me I need to improve.  This included kicking from the hips and keeping it shallow with feet relaxed, relaxed arm recovery, breathing and head position in the water and the reach and glide. 

After my swim, I headed straight to the gym to do some weight training.  I am having a personal training session next week to introduce me to my new sport specific weight training plan.  I am really looking forward to this as it will mean every session is focused (although I have no doubt that Rob will push me to puking point). 

Later, after a short but satisfying afternoon nap, I headed out in the sunshine for a run.  My legs took a few minutes to wake up but overall it felt comfortable.  After my poor performance on the hills of Hereford at the weekend, I made a special effort to power up any and all sections with even a slight incline.  I began to stuggle between mile 2.5-3.5 as my left calf felt really tight and I found myself breathing more heavily than usual but this soon passed.  I was trying to make a conscious effort to keep my upper body loose and relaxed as I have noticed that when I run I hold my shoulders really rigid which results in muscle soreness after my longer runs.  
The only real complaint about this run was that I dressed way too warm for the weather, I think shorts and t-shirt would have been more appropriate than the full length thermal tights and long sleeved technical t-shirt I was wearing (you’d think there was no windows in my house for me to check the weather).   

  • Spinning – turbo              Hill training        01:08:00

I put the turbo to good use on Wednesday morning by trying one of the spinning podcasts I had downloaded.  I have never done spinning before and didn’t really know what to expect but secretly thought... how hard can it be?  Well, I thought my legs were going to drop off after 20 minutes and my quads were burning.  I nearly cried when I realised I wasn’t even half way through!  It seems I had inadvertently chosen one of the hill training podcasts which involved lots of ‘climbing’ up out of the saddle.  I persevered, although I didn’t manage the whole session at the prescribed intensity and on more than one occasion found myself dropping into an easier a gear when I should have been aiming harder.  Still, this leaves plenty of room for improvement.  By the time I had finished I felt like I had had a really good workout, got my HR up nicely (probably too high, but hey) and believe it or not, I’m actually looking forward to trying it again. 

I think I lost at least a stone in weight through sweating – there was a lovely puddle of sweat on the floor by the time I had finished (note to self: put towel down on floor under bike for next time so as not to ruin very expensive wooden floor).  I will also be placing a fan next to me to try a keep me cool and to mimic the wind in my hair (yeah right J).   

I decided to miss my run in the evening as my calf was still very tight and sore – I actually have a palpable knot in the side of my calf.  I felt really guilty about not going and had to fight the urge to go out and ‘run through it’ but I know from previous experience that one missed session will make no difference compared to aggravating an injury and ending up spending a week or two out of action.  So my Wednesday evening was spent in compression, foam rolling and stretching.

  • Swimming:         54 lengths          45 minutes
  • Weights               Chest, shoulders and abs
  • Run                        5.16 miles/09:09mm       00:47:13

Another good swimming session on Thursday morning and I managed 54 lengths in 45 minutes.  I found it took me about 16-18 lengths to get warmed up and into a manageable rhythm.  Up to that point, I was only managing 2 lengths at a time before having a break.  The best news is that I managed 3 x 8 laps continuously... WOOHOO!!  This really takes the pressure off as I now know that I can complete the swim distance for my first ever super-sprint tri.  The last few times I have been swimming, I have been experiencing dizziness when I stop swimming.  It feels like it might be an inner ear problem but maybe it could be a drop in blood pressure when I return to being upright.  Think I will have to ask my swimming teacher for advice.     

Before heading to the gym, I headed home to wolf down some porridge and did the dutiful wife bit and drove Arran to work as it was pouring with rain.  Today’s session was my last session of faffing around in the gym before my new programme starts next week.  I am more than a little bit scared, as Rob who devised the plan was grinning evilly while telling me he can’t wait for me to start as it is going to be fun... and by fun, we all know what he really means is that he will torture me until I puke!! 

I headed out for a run just before lunch.  As per usual, my pacing was crap!  I ended up running far too fast for what was supposed to be an easy run.  I felt fine for the first 3 miles (even when running up a mammoth hill).  I started to fall apart between miles 3-4 and really struggled to keep placing one foot in front of the other.  I just concentrated on keeping my arms moving, knowing that my feet would follow.  About 1 mile from home I started to feel better (but that may just have been the thought of putting my feet up with a nice cuppa). 

On a positive note, I am getting better at running downhill.  I have been making an effort to develop my downhill running skills (all the time pretending uphill doesn’t exist... bad Westy) with the aim of increasing my speed downhill while still being able to recover and not expel too much energy.  I think I managed it quite comfortably today. 

  • Recovery Run                    4.25 miles/9:58mm         00:42:20
  • Swimming Lesson           01:00:00

 This morning was officially SLEEPY TIME!!  I slept in until 11:30 this morning... it was lush!  I do have a very good reason (it’s not just me being lazy, I promise), I am starting another round of night shifts tonight and I knew I wouldn’t get any nap time this afternoon due to my swimming lesson, so I made the most of having the whole bed to myself, snuggled up and went back to sleep after Arran left for work.      

When I finally dragged my backside out of bed, I headed out for a run.  I was really determined that this run would be a slow, steady run at a comfortable pace and that I would not get carried away.  Last night my left calf was really tight so the evening was spent stretching, on the foam roller and trussed up in compression – it worked, as my calf felt great this morning.  My run was good, and I actually managed to reign myself in and keep a steady pace and it felt good, I wasn’t knackered and had plenty of energy left at the end.  I monitored my calf all the way round but at mile 3 it started to feel tight with the beginnings of cramp so I changed my gait slightly to take the pressure off. 

I know it is not recommended to change your gait without professional guidance but I have found that for me slightly altering my gait can make a massive difference, particularly on long runs.  I am a forefoot striker and run higher on my toes with my left foot than my right.  As a consequence, my left calf often takes more strain, particularly on uphill sections.  When I feel my muscles starting to tighten and cramp I switch to a more mid-foot strike action for a while and this seems to relive the problem without altering my gait so much that it causes problems elsewhere.

My swimming lesson was HARD.  We did plenty of drills and ended with 200m of sprints with reduced recovery time.  By the end, it felt like I was going to cough my lungs up... nice eh!!    

So, here ends possibly the longest post in history... are you still awake?  You may have noticed I have deftly skipped around the subject of the dreaded weigh in, but I must be accountable for my actions, so here it is – I gained 2lbs.  No excuses, no fancy talk – it is entirely my own fault for shovelling every bit of food in sight into my gob all week.  Lesson learnt...?  (Only until the next time).  

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Turbo Trainer

My turbo trainer finally arrived late yesterday (thank you to my wonderful husband).  

I deliberated long and hard about which turbo trainer to get and read reviews until I couldn’t see straight.  In the end, finances won out and I opted for the Elite Crono Fluid ElastoGel Trainer as it had good reviews and seemed to be one of the best in the cheap price bracket. 

It came fully assembled so it was just a case of fitting my bike onto it (sadly, even this proved too technical for me so I had to wait for Arran to get home to set it up for me).  It actually turned out to be really simple once I saw how it was supposed to work.  I also invested in a front riser to give me some added stability – although apparently a yellow pages will do the job. 

I hopped on for a couple of minutes to test it out. 
Obviously, this is how I always dress for cycle training – skinny jeans and knee-high boots J  
Who says you can’t look good whilst training! 

Although the real test will come when I attempt a proper training session on it, I was very impressed during my brief trial.  It feels very sturdy with no movement and it is quieter than I was expecting so I will have no problem hearing the TV haha!  It is actually very easy to set up and folds flat for easy storage or if transporting.     

I am planning a 30-45 minute session on it tomorrow.  I have downloaded some spinning podcasts so may give one a go tomorrow.  All I need now is a bike computer to track my stats... maybe some extra sucking up to Arran is in order!!  
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