- Swimming Lesson - 1 hour
So, first
item on the agenda, my exercise confession.
I made the decision to skip my 3 mile run today as my quads were dead
after yesterdays brick session. I
decided to save my legs for my swimming lesson, and boy was that a good
decision. We did 30 minutes of kick
drills... I could barely stand up when I got out of the pool let alone cycle

So the
moment of truth... I have lost 0.5lbs taking me down to 9st 1.5lbs.
Okay, so it’s not a lot but I have to confess that I have eaten really badly this week (including a pub meal, Chinese takeaway, pizza and ice cream and have pretty much drunk my body weight in beer. Although it was fun at the time, I feel like crap, I feel like someone has inflated me! It just goes to show that my ‘issues’ with food (so cliché, but no less true) are still ever present. I have to admit that the more exercise I do and the fitter I feel, the less crappy food I want to eat and the more inclined I am towards a clean diet.
Okay, so it’s not a lot but I have to confess that I have eaten really badly this week (including a pub meal, Chinese takeaway, pizza and ice cream and have pretty much drunk my body weight in beer. Although it was fun at the time, I feel like crap, I feel like someone has inflated me! It just goes to show that my ‘issues’ with food (so cliché, but no less true) are still ever present. I have to admit that the more exercise I do and the fitter I feel, the less crappy food I want to eat and the more inclined I am towards a clean diet.
me tell you about my newest find... Yoo Moo frozen yoghurt. DELICIOUS!
I found this is ASDA while wistfully perusing the ice cream section.
My new fav pudding treat!
They have a
few different flavours but I opted for the blueberry with pumpkin seeds which
was divine. The other great thing is
that they come in individual 150g pots which is great for me as I have been
known to devour a whole tub on Ben and Jerrys without surfacing for breath
(hangs head in shame). A great treat and
only 7 Weight Watchers pro points.
oooo that looks interesting. Blueberry and pumpkin seed? I gotta try that! Thanks for the tip :)